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Python defaultdict() Explained (with code)

One of the most beautiful parts of Python is the defaultdict class from the collections module. Today, we will learn about of defaultdict, its various applications, inclu ...

Kusum Jain
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Python Set remove() Method Explained

A set in Python is an unordered collection of unique elements. Today, we will explore various techniques to remove items from a set in Python with examples. Removing a S ...

Kusum Jain
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Print Bottom View of a Binary Tree (with code)

A binary tree is a widely used data structure in computer science that consists of nodes connected hierarchically. The bottom view of a binary tree provides valuable insi ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Wildcard Pattern Matching (with Examples & Code)

Wildcard pattern matching is a valuable technique used in computer science and software development to compare patterns containing wildcard characters with target strings ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Software Development Companies in Mexico: Top Picks for 2025

The burning issue of talent shortage and rising costs are pushing many businesses to seek alternative solutions for software development to stay competitive. IT outsourci ...

Kaustubh Saini
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Python: How to Print without newline (3 Methods)

In any programming language, displaying output to the console is a basic operation. Depending on the situation, you may need to customize your print output, so today In t ...

Komal Gupta
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Yield Keyword in Python Explained

Python is a flexible programming language that provides several tools to improve the functionality of code. The keyword yield is one example of this. When building genera ...

Kusum Jain
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Monte Carlo Simulations in R (with Examples)

Let's understand how to implement Monte Carlo Simulations in R. What are Monte Carlo Simulations? Generally, if you want to gain insights about a particular situation, ...

Aarthi Juryala
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The unlist() Function in R (with Examples)

Unlist is a function in R that takes nested data structure and flattens it into a single, simpler data structure. It is mostly used with nested lists and vectors. This is ...

Aarthi Juryala
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Paired Sample T-Test using R (with Examples)

Statistical hypothesis testing is a method that uses samples from populations to estimate the parameters of those populations. In this article, we will learn how to perfo ...

Aarthi Juryala
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MANOVA Test using R: Multivariate Analysis of Variance

MANOVA is a statistical technique used to analyze the effect that an independent variable has on a set of dependent variables as a whole. In this article, we take a deepe ...

Aarthi Juryala
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Removing Scientific Notations in R (3 Easy Methods)

Scientific notation is a shorthand for writing very large or very small numbers. As useful as this is, sometimes it can make things harder to read. We might want to remov ...

Aarthi Juryala
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One-to-Many Relationships in SQL (with Examples)

Database Management Systems have data organized in tables that relate to another set of tables which sums up the relational databases. Tables have attributes that have re ...

Tanish Mallik
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Invalid Object Error in SQL Explained

In SQL, databases have many interrelated objects, these objects vary differently based on the type of relation. Using the database it becomes essential to maintain the in ...

Tanish Mallik
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How to Use SQL COUNT() with CASE WHEN?

The COUNT() function in SQL is a very commonly used function, it is used with the SELECT function to count the data row values in a table. The output of the COUNT() funct ...

Tanish Mallik
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Error Handling in SQL with Try-Catch (with Examples)

Doing Error Handling in SQL is essential to have access to transactional processes. In a Database Management System error is something that can translate to what is happe ...

Tanish Mallik
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Equi Join and Non-Equi Join in SQL (with Examples)

Equi Joins and Non-Equi Joins are used to retrieve data from different tables of a schema based on given conditions, but there are differences between them. In this artic ...

Tanish Mallik
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Correlated Subquery in SQL Explained

SQL is full of queries and different types of statements, knowing the hierarchy and the order of these statements is important to make an efficient codebase. In this arti ...

Tanish Mallik
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RANK() and DENSE_RANK() Functions in SQL

Rank functions play a key role in identifying the positions of certain data in SQL. Not only can we gain insights into the relational database, but we can also retrieve i ...

Tanish Mallik
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What does $ mean in R? (How to Use?)

In data analytics, we are constantly looking for ways to access a specific part of the data so that we get a clearer picture of the details we are interested in, instead ...

Aarthi Juryala
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Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test in R (with Examples)

Hypothesis testing helps you investigate whether a pattern you notice in the data is a real thing or just random noise. This is required to make sense of trends and under ...

Aarthi Juryala
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Directory Manipulation using setwd() and getwd() in R

In data science and statistical analysis with R, efficient administration of directories and file paths is critical. Whether you're just starting or an experien ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Testing Proportions in R (With Code Examples)

Statistical analysis in data science is an important aspect of any research work. R, a popular statistical programming language provides us with a wide range of tool ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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summarise() Function in R Explained (With Code)

When working with huge datasets in R, one of the most important jobs is summarization, which includes extracting key ideas, aggregating data, and drawing relevant statist ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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How to calculate Percentile in R? (With Code Example)

In data analysis and statistics, percentiles play a crucial role in assessing and interpreting data distributions. In this article, we will look at the concept of percent ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Concatenate Two Columns in SQL (with Examples)

The concatenation of columns is a fundamental operation in the programming world. It is very handy in designing a more comprehensive output table within an SQL database. ...

Tanish Mallik
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R sweep Function Explained (& Use Cases)

When working with matrixes in R, you must learn how to sweep row and column-wise. In this article, we will look at the sweep() function in detail along with its use cases ...

Aarthi Juryala
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Understanding Recursive CTE in SQL (with code)

In the world of databases, knowing advanced features like Recursive Common Table Expressions (CTEs) can significantly enhance your SQL capabilities. This article deals wi ...

Tanish Mallik
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Calculate Cumulative Average in R (with Examples)

Finding any kind of averages of the data helps us see trends and patterns in everyday data. Whether you want to keep your savings in check or track how hot it has been th ...

Aarthi Juryala
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Reordering Columns in R (With Examples)

One of the most fundamental tasks in data analysis is modifying datasets to meet certain requirements. Column reordering is a common method, whether to improve readabilit ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Calculate P-Value from Z-Score in R (With Code Examples)

Statistical analysis is an important tool for making data-driven decisions and conducting scientific research. Knowing how significant our findings are is an important as ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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CTE vs Subquery vs Temp Table in SQL (with Examples)

In SQL, handling tables efficiently is key for good data management. Developers often use different methods like CTEs, temporary tables, and subqueries. In this article, ...

Tanish Mallik
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SQL Order of Operations (for Query Execution)

Getting good at anything means knowing how things work in order. Knowing the right order to do things helps you pick the best time and way to do certain tasks. In SQL, it ...

Tanish Mallik
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Remove Column in a DataFrame in R (with code)

Refining the available raw data to make it easier to obtain valuable insights from it is called data manipulation. Removing columns from a dataset is also one such techni ...

Aarthi Juryala
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Pivot in SQL to Convert Rows to Columns (with code)

The PIVOT operation is like a handy tool for changing how data looks. When using it, you often pair it with functions like SUM or MAX to crunch the numbers. In this artic ...

Tanish Mallik
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Group by Multiple Columns in SQL (with Examples)

The GROUP BY is a handy tool for managing databases. Ordinarily, grouping is done by a single attribute­, like organizing cars by model. But, this article will show y ...

Tanish Mallik
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SQL Lag Function & Its Use Cases (with Exmaples)

The SQL Lag function is a robust tool, allowing users to access the data from earlier rows in a dataset. It lets its users look at data from earlier rows in a give­n ...

Tanish Mallik
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What are Histograms in R? (With Code Examples)

Data visualization is a very important part of data analysis. R offers an extensive ecosystem for creating engaging and informative graphs. The histogram is a popular vis ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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How to Draw a Quantile-Quantile (QQ) Plot in R? (With Code)

Quantile-Quantile, more commonly known as the QQ plots is a powerful tool in statistics for assessing the normality of a distribution. The qqplot function in R, along wit ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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How to generate Random Numbers using runif() function?

Random number generation is an essential part of statistical programming and data analysis. The R programming language has two commonly used functions for generating rand ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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SQL Operator LIKE with Multiple Values (with Examples)

The LIKE operator is like a detective tool for finding words or parts of words in a bunch of text.  In this article, we'll look at how the SQL LIKE operator can hand ...

Tanish Mallik
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CASE Statement & Nested Case in SQL (with Examples)

In SQL, various filtering and data fetching techniques are used to fetch interrelated searches or handle complex conditions. In this article, we will learn about CASE sta ...

Tanish Mallik
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Decision Tree in R | Classification & Regression Tree

Suppose your friend asks you if you want to go out tonight. First, you check if you have previously made any plans. Then, you ask about who is coming. Then, you check the ...

Aarthi Juryala
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Correlation Matrix in R (With Code Examples)

The correlation shows how two variables are related to each other. The correlation matrix is a powerful tool for exploring relationships between variables. In this articl ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Creating Density Plot in R (with Examples)

Visualizing data is important because it helps to easily understand data, identify patterns, compare scenarios, and detect errors. It is also useful in communicating find ...

Aarthi Juryala
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Using the PARTITION BY in SQL (with Examples)

When working with large datasets, it's not always practical to consider the entire dataset as a single unit. This is where PARTITION BY helps us by allowing us to divide ...

Tanish Mallik
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How to COUNT DISTINCT in SQL (with Examples)

Ever wondered how databases keep track of unique things? COUNT and DISTINCT are powerful tools that help us figure out just that. In simple? terms, it is like counting di ...

Tanish Mallik
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Pearson correlation in R (With Code Examples)

Understanding the relationships between variables is critical in statistical analysis and data science for gaining meaningful insights and making informed decisions. The ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Binding Rows using rbind() in R (With Examples)

Data manipulation is central to statistical analysis and machine learning tasks. Combining or reshaping datasets is a common requirement when working with datasets, regar ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Shiny in R to Build Interactive Web Apps (with code)

R has proven to be a reliable tool for data scientists and analysts. Then, there is R Shiny, which comes in useful when it comes to sharing these findings with a larger a ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Web Scraping in R: Beginner's Guide (with Examples)

The ability to extract useful information from websites is a skill that can improve your data analysis game in the ever-expanding world of data-driven decision-making. Da ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Sample Function in R to Generate Samples (with code)

In this article, we will deep dive into the sample function in R with examples. What is the sample() function in R? Sampling is the process of selecting a small subset ...

Aarthi Juryala
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Types of Joins & How to Join 3 Tables in SQL (with code)

Joins in SQL are a fundamental feature that allows the combination of rows from different tables based on a shared column. This enables the retrieval of comprehensive dat ...

Tanish Mallik
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Temp Tables in SQL & Its Operations (with Examples)

Welcome to the backend of SQL, where the real magic happens: introducing SQL temp tables. Imagine them as the behind-the-scenes area for our data, where all the important ...

Tanish Mallik
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Stargazer Package in R (with Examples)

R Stargazer has gained popularity for its ability to present summary statistics in a visually appealing and customizable format. Its' ability to create statistical tables ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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tryCatch() function in R

Error handling is an essential aspect of R programming that guarantees the stability and reliability of your code. The tryCatch function in the R programming language mak ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Conditional Operating using if-else in R

As you learn more about programming, you'll quickly find that your code will need to make decisions depending on specific conditions. This is where conditional statements ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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SQL Index and Types of Indexing (with Examples)

In a library catalog, books are strategically indexed by titles, authors, and subjects, acting as a roadmap for efficient access. The title index allows users to find boo ...

Tanish Mallik
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SQL: Find Duplicate Values in Columns (with Examples)

When dealing with information stored in databases, sometimes we encounter the challenge of having the same information repeated in a single column. This is known as dupli ...

Tanish Mallik
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VIF in R | Calculate Variance Inflation Factor (with code)

Multicollinearity is a major challenge in statistical modeling, especially in logistic regression. The Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) is a useful instrument for identify ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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How to Create Heatmap in R? (with Examples)

R stands out as a powerful language for data visualization. The heatmap is one of the best tools for data visualization. They are a type of visual representation of data ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Window Functions in SQL Explained (with Examples)

Window functions are tools that help us to see and understand data specially. In this article, we will learn the window functions in SQL, and aggregate window functions, ...

Tanish Mallik
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Data Aggregation in R Programming

R is the go-to tool for handling and modifying data because of its wide range of libraries and functions. Aggregation is another example of such a crucial task when deali ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Remove Duplicates in SQL | 3 Easy Ways (with code)

Duplicate data is frequently found in relational databases and they are usually a hurdle that needs to be fixed. This article will discuss several methods for removing du ...

Tanish Mallik
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Conditional Data Operation using case_when in R

In data analysis and programming, conditional operations play an important role as they allow users to make data-driven decisions for their applications based on a fixed ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Piping in R Programming

The piping mechanism is one of the main components that allows R to have a concise, readable, and expressive code. In this article, we will look at the R %>% operator ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Add Column to Table in SQL (with Examples)

Various complex operations on SQL tables are directly or indirectly linked to tasks such as creating a new table, altering it, or adding multiple columns. Creating a new ...

Tanish Mallik
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Data Manipulation Using Group_By() in R

In working with data, grouping data is an important aspect of data manipulation. In R programming, the group_by() function plays a crucial role in achieving this. In this ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Data Access in R using $ Operator

Data Access is a very crucial concept to know in R programming, and the dollar sign ($) plays an important role in it as a powerful tool for efficient data extraction and ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Standard error in R (With Code Examples)

In the field of statistics and data analysis, the concept of standard error plays an important role in quantifying the uncertainty associated with sample statis ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Random Number Generation using rnorm() in R

Random number generation is a crucial element of statistical analysis and simulation in R. A key player in generating random numbers in R is the rnorm() function, tailore ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Data Visualization using abline in R

Data visualization is both an art and a science, turning raw data into valuable insights. In the world of statistical programming, R stands out as a powerful tool for dat ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Column Bind (cbind()) in R programming

R is a powerful statistical computer language with many capabilities for analysis and data manipulation. Of them, cbind() is one of the most important. We'll go into the ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Understanding Standard Deviation in R

Standard deviation is a crucial statistical concept with a significant impact on data analysis and decision-making. In the world of data science and statistics, the R pro ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Kruskal Wallis Test in R

Statistical analysis is an important aspect of research and data-driven decision-making. When working with data that doesn't follow normal patterns or situations where as ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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melt() function in R (with Code Examples)

In the extensive world of data manipulation and reshaping in R, the melt() function stands out as a powerful tool, especially when working with complex datasets. Linked w ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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pivot_longer() in R for data transformation (With Code examples)

R has become a reliable tool in the data processing and analysis space. A must-have package for manipulating data in R is dplyr, which contains the flexible pivot_longer( ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Plot Characters (PCH) in R

Data visualization is an essential practice in the fields of Data Science, Statistics, Data Analysis, and other related fields. R programming, a powerful statistical and ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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For-Each Loop in Java (with Examples)

Loops are essential for iterating over collections and arrays in Java programming. Java introduced the forEach loop, sometimes known as an enhanced for loop, to simplify ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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TreeMap in Java Explained (with Examples)

The TreeMap is a powerful and flexible data structure that stands out in the large field of Java Collections. Unlike the others, TeeMap keeps its elements arranged logica ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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BufferedReader Class in Java (with Examples)

In Java, input streams serve as the primary means of reading data from various sources, including files, user input, or network connections. These streams facilitate the ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in R Programming Language

Dimensionality reduction and data visualization are key concepts in data science. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a powerful statistical method that addresses both ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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BidDecimal class in Java (with Examples)

Java offers various numeric types like int, double, float, etc., for handling numbers. However, these primitive types have limitations in representing precise decimal val ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Tail Recursion and Tail Call Optimization in Recursive Functions

Recursive functions are a key element in computer science, offering to solve problems by implementing the divide-and-conquer methodology. It involves breaking down comple ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Getters and Setters in Java (with Examples)

Java getters and setters play a pivotal role in object-oriented programming by enabling controlled access to class fields or attributes. At its core, these methods ensure ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Enhanced For Loop Java (with Codes)

Java's improved for loop makes handling collections and arrays easier for programmers. This simple construct, in contrast to conventional loops, simplifies iteration thro ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Array of Objects in Java (with Examples)

Arrays in Java provide a way to store multiple elements of the same data type under a single variable name. When it comes to arrays of objects, Java allows us to create a ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Multiple Exception Handling in Java (with Codes)

Java's exception handling mechanism allows developers to manage runtime errors gracefully, preventing abrupt program termination. Exceptions in Java are categorized into ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Java Method Signatures

Method signatures in Java serve as the unique fingerprints of functions within a class, defining their identity through a blend of names, return types, and parameter list ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Logistic Regression in R (With Code Examples)

Logistic regression is a powerful tool for analyzing and predicting binary outcomes in the large world of statistical modelling. Understanding logistic regression in the ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Serialization in Java (with Codes)

Serialization is the process of converting an object into a sequence of bytes to persist or transmit it across various platforms in a portable form. It provides a conveni ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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indexOf Method in Java (with Examples)

The indexOf method in Java is a vital utility used to locate the index position of a particular element or substring within various data structures such as strings and ar ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Date and Time Formatting in Python with strftime (With Code Example)

Handling date and time is an important part of many applications in the huge world of Python programming. The strftime function, which is present within the Python time m ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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StringBuilder Class in Java (with Codes)

The StringBuilder class in Java is a versatile tool for dynamically manipulating sequences of characters. Unlike the immutable nature of the String class, StringBuilder p ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Overriding in Java (Methods, Uses, Examples)

Method overriding serves as a foundation in object-oriented programming for achieving polymorphism, a fundamental principle that permits different classes to be treated a ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Python List Functions (With Code Examples)

Python, a language celebrated for its simplicity and versatility, equips developers with a potent data structure known as a list. Lists in Python serve as dynamic arrays ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Python Socket Programming (With Code)

In the vast landscape of networking, Python stands out as a language that empowers developers to create robust and scalable networked applications. At the heart of this c ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Recursion in Java (with Examples)

Recursion is a powerful technique in programming that allows a function to call itself. In Java, recursion can be used to solve complex problems by breaking them down int ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Python String Formatting (With Codes)

String formatting is a fundamental skill in Python programming, as it enables you to craft and manipulate strings, enhancing their informativeness, visual appeal, and ada ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Vectors in C++ & Vector Functions (with Examples)

Vectors are an essential data structure in C++ that provide a dynamic array-like structure, allowing for the efficient storage and manipulation of elements. Whether you'r ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Enums in Python | Enumeration Type (with Examples)

Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, offers a multitude of features to simplify the development process. Among these, Python's enum module stands out as ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Python Property Decorator (with Examples)

In Python, the property decorator is a powerful tool that empowers you to control the access and modification of class attributes. In this comprehensive investigation, we ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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C++ memset() function | Is Memset Faster than Calloc?

When working with C++, a powerful programming language, developers often seek ways to optimize their code. One such tool at their disposal is the 'memset' function. In th ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Substring in Java (with examples)

In Java, the substring is a powerful method that allows developers to extract subsets or parts of a string. By using the substring() method, you can create smaller string ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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AsyncIO in Python (Guide and Example)

Python, a widely adopted programming language, has adapted to this paradigm shift by introducing asyncio, a robust library for asynchronous programming. In this article, ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Constructors in Java (with examples)

Java constructors play a crucial role in object-oriented programming by initializing objects and setting their initial values. These are special methods that are automati ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters in Python

In the domain of competitive programming and coding interviews, having a knack for efficiently solving complex problems is highly sought after. One prime example of such ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Python super() Function | With Code Examples

Python, renowned for its simplicity and versatility, offers a variety of tools and concepts to help developers write clean and maintainable code. Among these, the super k ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Multiprocessing in Python | Multiprocessing Library Guide

In the world of modern software development, optimizing program performance is increasingly crucial. Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, is celebrated ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Solve 0-1 Knapsack Problem (using Dynamic Programming)

The 0-1 Knapsack Problem is a classic combinatorial optimization problem in the field of computer science and mathematics. In this article, we will discuss the 0/1 Knapsa ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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compareTo() method in Java

The compareTo() method in Java is a powerful tool for comparing strings lexicographically. It allows us to determine the order of strings based on their Unicode values. I ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Scanner Class in Java (With Examples)

In Java programming, the Scanner class is a powerful tool that allows you to easily receive user input and parse it into various data types. This class is part of the jav ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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One Way ANOVA in R | Quick Guide

Analysis of Variance, or ANOVA, is a statistical method used to assess mean differences among various groups for the detection of statistically significant distinctions. ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Random Forest in R | Algorithm and Programming

Random Forest, a powerful ensemble learning technique, is a versatile tool for both regression and classification tasks in data science and machine learning. In this arti ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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What is Inorder Successor in BST? (with code)

In binary search trees (BSTs), the concept of the in-order successor plays a significant role in navigating and manipulating the tree. In this article, we will delve into ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Mutate Function in R | A Deep Dive

In the world of data manipulation with R, the mutate() function is a powerful tool that allows you to transform and create new variables in your data frame. It is a funda ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Multithreading in Python | Thread based parallelism

Multithreading is a critical concept in computer programming that enables the efficient execution of multiple threads, or small units of a larger process, within a single ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Indentation in Python (with Examples)

Indentation is very crucial in programming languages like Python for its clarity and readability of code. In this article, we will discuss everything about Indentation in ...

Kusum Jain
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Chi-Square Test in R | With Code and Examples

Chi-square tests are powerful statistical tools used to determine the association or independence between categorical variables. In the realm of data analysis and statist ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Frequency Table in R | 3 Different Methods with Examples

Frequency tables are a fundamental tool in data analysis, helping us gain insights into the distribution of data values. In the R programming language, creating frequency ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Read, Write and Parse JSON file in Python

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a widely used data format for storing and transmitting structured data. It provides a simple and flexible way to represent objects an ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Java Priority Queue (With Examples)

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Java Priority Queue! In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of the priority queue data structure in Java. Whether you ar ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Box Stacking Problem (with C++ code)

Box Stacking is a classic computational challenge that involves arranging a set of boxes in a stable and space-efficient manner. In this article, we will learn more about ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Memory Management in Python (with Example)

Programming requires effective memory management, and Python includes its own memory management systems. In this article, we will examine Memory Management in Python in t ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Predict() Function in R | With Working Examples

When it comes to statistical analysis and data modeling in R, the predict function plays a pivotal role. Whether you are a seasoned data scientist or just starting with R ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Web Scraping vs. APIs: How to Extract Web Data Effectively

  Introduction to Web Scraping Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites or specific web pages. It involves retrieving information, such as text ...

Kaustubh Saini
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Math Class in Java & Methods (with Examples)

Java is a powerful programming language that offers a wide range of functionalities and features. One important aspect of Java is its Math class, which provides various m ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Not Equal Operator in Python (With Examples)

In Python programming, operators play a crucial role in performing various operations on values and variables. One such operator is the not equal operator, which allows u ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Pass by Reference in Python | With Examples

When it comes to understanding how data is passed between functions and objects in Python, the term "pass by reference" often arises. This concept is essential for any Py ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Python Dictionary: Methods & Operations (with Examples)

Dictionaries in Python are versatile and fundamental data structures that make it different from other programming languages. In this blog, we'll explore everything about ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Insertion Sort in C++: Step-by-Step Algorithm (with code)

Sorting in computer science refers to the process of arranging data in a specific order. In this article, we will learn about Insertion Sort thoroughly, with implementati ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Constructor in Python

Python offers various features that empower developers to create efficient and maintainable code. One such essential feature is the constructor. In this article ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Prim's Algorithm in C++ to Find Minimum Spanning Tree

There are several algorithms for finding the minimum spanning tree of a graph, such as Kruskal's algorithm and Prim's algorithm. These algorithms are based on the princip ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Lowercase in Python | Different Methods with Examples

If you're a Python programmer, you've likely encountered the need to manipulate strings in various ways. One common string operation is converting text to lowercase.  ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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C++ Multithreading | How Many Threads Can You Have?

Multithreading has emerged as a fundamental concept in modern C++ programming, enabling developers to harness the power of parallelism and concurrency. In this article, w ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Diagonal Traversal of Binary Tree (with code)

Binary trees are an essential data structure in computer science and traversing it means visiting each node exactly once in a specific order.  In this article, we wi ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Find Largest BST in Binary Tree (with code)

Within the realm of binary trees, one of the most common problems is to find the largest Binary Search Tree contained within it. In this article, we will learn how to fin ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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PySpark pivot() DataFrame Function (Working & Example)

Apache Spark has emerged as a powerful tool for managing and manipulating large datasets efficiently. PySpark, the Python library for Apache Spark, provides a user-friend ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Longest Alternating Subsequence Problem (with Solution)

The LAS problem involves finding the length of the longest sub-subsequence where the elements alternate in either increasing or decreasing order. In this article, we will ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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PySpark GroupBy function Explained (With Examples)

In the realm of big data processing, PySpark has emerged as a powerful tool, allowing data scientists and engineers to perform complex data manipulations and analyses eff ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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What is Quickselect Algorithm? (with code)

In computer science, there are numerous algorithms designed to solve different types of problems efficiently. We will learn in this article one such algorithm, known as Q ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Pandas map() Function | Methods and Examples

Pandas, the popular open-source data manipulation library in Python, offers a plethora of powerful functions for data analysis and transformation. Among these, the map fu ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Python isinstance() Function (with Examples)

The isinstance() is a fundamental Python function that is frequently used in numerous programming paradigms such as object-oriented programming, functional programming, a ...

Abrar Ahmed
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ifelse() function in R (with Code)

If-else statements are fundamental constructs in programming languages, including R. These statements allow you to make decisions and control the flow of your code based ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Producer-Consumer Problem in OS (with solution)

The producer-consumer problem is a classical synchronization problem in computer science that you must learn because it can be asked in your next technical interview. In ...

Harshita Rajput
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Remove Row in R | 7 Methods (With Examples)

Data cleaning is a crucial step in any data analysis project. One common task in data cleaning is removing rows with unwanted or irrelevant data. In R, there are several ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Clear a List in Python: clear() and del statement

We call Python a powerful programming language because it offers numerous ways to manipulate data structures. One common task when working with lists is to remove all ele ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Dutch National Flag Algorithm (Sort an Aarray of 0, 1, 2)

The Dutch National Flag Algorithm, also known as the DNF algorithm or the Three-Way Partitioning Algorithm, is a simple and efficient approach to sorting an array contain ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Convert Hex to String in Python | 6 Methods with Code

Data often comes in various formats, and it's essential to convert data between them. Hexadecimal (hex) is one such format frequently encountered, especially when dealing ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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How to Sort with Lambda in Python | 7 Methods (With Code)

Python offers a variety of tools and techniques when it comes to sorting data. Among them, the use of lambda functions in sorting is a powerful and flexible approach ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Convert List to Set in Python | 4 Methods (With Example)

In Python, data structures play a crucial role in managing and organizing data effectively. Two commonly used data structures are lists and sets. Lists allow you to store ...

Kaustubh Saini
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C++ static_cast Operator Explained (with Examples)

In the world of C++, type conversions play a crucial role in manipulating data and ensuring compatibility between different types. One such type conversion operator is st ...

Abrar Ahmed
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How to Append to List in R? | 5 Methods (With Examples)

Lists are one of the fundamental data structures in R, allowing you to store heterogeneous data types and organize them in a flexible manner. In this article, we will exp ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Operator Overloading in C++ (Rules, Types & Program)

In C++, operator overloading allows you to redefine the behavior of operators for user-defined types. In this article, we will explore the concept of operator overloading ...

Abrar Ahmed
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How to do Left Join in R? | 2 Methods (with Examples)

In R, one of the most commonly used tools for data manipulation is the left join. Left joining allows you to combine data from multiple datasets based on a common key col ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Dictionary Append in Python | 3 Methods (with code)

Dictionaries in Python are incredibly versatile data structures that allow us to store and manage key-value pairs efficiently. In this tutorial, we'll look into Python di ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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Replace NA with 0 (zero) in R | 5 Methods (with code)

Missing data is a common issue when working with datasets. In many cases, dealing with missing values is a critical step in data preprocessing, as it can significantly im ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Subsetting in R Programming | subset() function

R is a programming language for statistical computing, to work with Data. Data manipulation is at the core of any data analysis or statistical modeling process. One of th ...

Abhisek Ganguly
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Smart Pointers in C++ Explained (Types & Advantages)

C++ involves dealing with manual memory allocation and deallocation using pointers. However, this leads to memory leaks and dangling pointers if not handled carefully. To ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Python JSON Dump Method (with Examples)

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a widely used data interchange format for storing and exchanging data between a server and a client or between different parts of an ...

Nihal Mahansaria
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C++ setw() Function | How It Works? (with Examples)

When working with C++, it is essential to format output in a visually appealing and organized manner. The setw() function in C++ is a powerful tool that allows you to con ...

Abrar Ahmed
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C++ Access Specifiers & Its Types (with Examples)

Encapsulation is one of the biggest features of C++ and Access Specifers are one of the practical ways to implement it. In this article, we will explore Access Specifiers ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Python Decorators Explained (with Examples)

In this article, we will delve into the world of Python decorators, its examples, and the different types of decorators available. They provide a clean way to add additio ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Manipulators in C++ Explained (with Examples)

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, understanding manipulators will elevate your C++ programming skills and enable you to present your data in an eleg ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Spiral Traversal of Matrix | Print Matrix in Spiral Form

Traversing a matrix in a specific pattern can be a common task that every programmer should know about. One such traversal pattern is the spiral traversal of a 2x2 matrix ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Vertical Order Traversal of Binary Tree (with code)

Binary trees are fundamental data structures in computer science that serve as the building blocks for many algorithms. Traversing a binary tree is a common operation, an ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Children Sum Property in a Binary Tree (with code)

The "children sum property" is a mathematical concept that is often taught to children in primary school. In this article, we will explore what the children's sum propert ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Minimum Number of Swaps Required to Sort an Array

Sorting is a fundamental operation in coding, used in a wide range of applications from data analysis to search algorithms. While there are many sorting algorithms, each ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Book Allocation Problem (with C++ code)

In today's digital age, where vast libraries of books are available at our fingertips, the challenge of efficiently allocating books to readers has become a significant c ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Flood Fill Algorithm Explained (with C++ & Python code)

In this article, we will explore the details of the Flood Fill algorithm, with its implementation using stack and queue. It has numerous applications in computer graphics ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Rod Cutting Problem | Dynamic Programming (with code)

In this article, we will study the rod-cutting problem, which is a classic example of a dynamic programming problem. The rod-cutting problem has several real-world applic ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Solving Tower of Hanoi using Stack & Recursion (with C++ code)

The Tower of Hanoi problem is a classic mathematical puzzle that has intrigued mathematicians, and puzzle enthusiasts. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Shell Sort Algorithm & Example (with C++ code)

Sorting is a fundamental operation in computer science, and various sorting algorithms have been developed over the years. In this article, we will explore the Shell Sort ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Deletion in BST: How to delete a node in a Binary Search Tree?

In this article, we will learn how to do deletion in a Binary Tree. Before we start off with the topic, let's start with the fundamentals and understand what a binary sea ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Print Top View of a Binary Tree (Algorithm with Code)

Binary trees are a fundamental data structure in computer science, commonly used for the efficient storage of data. One intriguing aspect of binary trees is their visual ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Find Longest Repeating Subsequence in a String (with code)

In the realm of computer science and algorithms, the quest to find patterns and repetitions in data is an ever-present challenge. One such intriguing pattern is the "Long ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Count Inversions in an Array using Merge Sort (with code)

In computer science, understanding the concept of inversions in an array is crucial. Inversions provide insights into the order and arrangement of elements within an arra ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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C++ prev_ permutation & next_permutation functions [Tutorial]

In this article, we will learn about what permutations are, and the inbuilt functions for previous and next permutations in C++. Let us first start with the basics and un ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Union-Find Algorithm for Disjoint Sets (with code)

In this article, we will learn about the union-find algorithm, its implementation, advantages disadvantages, and applications in detail. Let us first understand what a di ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Chocolate Distribution Problem & Solution (with code)

The chocolate distribution problem is a classical algorithmic problem in programming. It can be used to solve problems in the education and healthcare sectors. We will di ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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How to Reverse Words in a String? (using Loop & Recursion)

In this article, we'll explore some examples of how to reverse each word in a string using different approaches in C++. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantag ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Zig-Zag Traversal of Binary Tree (with code)

Traversing a binary tree means visiting all the nodes of the tree in a specific order. There are several ways to traverse a binary tree, such as in-order traversal, pre-o ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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How to Check If Binary Tree Is Sum Tree Or Not? (with code)

Whether you are a seasoned developer or a programming enthusiast, Sum Tree is an interesting topic that you must know for any DSA interview. In this article, we will disc ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph using DFS & BFS (with code)

In this article, we will discuss how to detect a cycle in a directed graph. A directed graph is a collection of nodes and edges where the edges have a direction. Detectin ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Kosaraju's Algorithm to Find Strongly Connected Components

Graphs are one of the most important topics you need to master before any technical interview. In this article, you will learn about the strongly connected components in ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Symmetric Tree: How to Check if a Binary Tree is Symmetric?

The symmetric tree is an interesting topic in programming and data structures, where the symmetry gives rise to intriguing algorithms for the traversal of the tree struct ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Boundary Traversal of Binary Tree (with code)

Binary trees are fundamental data structures used in computer science and have various applications in the real world. In this article, we will delve into the concept of ...

Harshita Rajput
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Find Distance between Two Nodes of a Binary Tree (with code)

In computer science and data structures, a binary tree is a fundamental data structure that consists of nodes connected by edges. One common task when working with binary ...

Harshita Rajput
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Maximum Circular Subarray Sum (with code)

In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of the maximum circular subarray sum problem, explore different algorithms to solve it efficiently and discuss its pra ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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How to Merge Binary Search Trees? (with code)

Binary Search Trees are powerful data structures used to efficiently store and retrieve data in a sorted manner. Sometimes, there arises a need to merge two BSTs into a s ...

Harshita Rajput
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Hamiltonian Cycle: How to Find Hamiltonian Cycle in a Graph?

In the realm of graph theory, the Hamiltonian cycle stands as a fascinating concept that captivates mathematicians and computer scientists. Let's embark on a journey to u ...

Harshita Rajput
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BFS in C++: Breadth-First Search Algorithm & Program

BFS is a popular algorithm used to traverse graphs and trees. It is a systematic approach that explores all the vertices at the same level before moving on to the next le ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Find Equilibrium Index of an Array (with code)

An array is a basic data structure in computer science that is used to hold a group of identically typed components. One interesting property of an array is the existence ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Find Lowest Common Ancestor (LCS) in a Binary Tree

Deep in the roots of a binary tree lies a crucial node, known as the lowest common ancestor, holding the key to unlocking a myriad of computational puzzles. Let's delve i ...

Harshita Rajput
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Create & Read QR Code using Python | QR Code Generator

You must have seen QR Codes everywhere these days. But do you know that you can create a QR Code Generator with Python? Let’s learn how to create and read a QR Code ...

Komal Gupta
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Burning a Binary Tree Problem (Find Minimum Time Taken)

Binary trees are a fundamental data structure in computer science. While traversing a binary tree is a common operation, sometimes we need to destroy a binary tree quickl ...

Harshita Rajput
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What are Macros in C++? & Its Benefits & Types

Do you remember when we were made to write lines as kids? Didn’t we wish for something to shorten it or let us take a repetitive expression? Well, instead of typing ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Python vs R: Know these 5 Key Differences

As we all know, Python and R are the two most popular open-source languages for data science that may be used with Windows, macOS, and Linux. Both are often regarded as b ...

Abrar Ahmed
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How to use SSL Certificate with Python Code?

In today’s digital landscape, as people's reliance on the Internet for daily activities like shopping, banking, and communication is increasing day by day, securing ...

Komal Gupta
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Painters Partition Problem (with Solution)

Painters partition problem is a classic programming problem, that will force you to think out of the box and you will get to know about the other scenarios in which binar ...

Harshita Rajput
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Triplet Sum Problem: Find a Triplet that Sum to a Given Value

The Triplet Sum Problem has applications in various domains, including data analysis, algorithms, and competitive programming. In this article, we will delve into the int ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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The Knight's Tour Problem (using Backtracking Algorithm)

Ever wondered how a computer playing as a chess player improves its algorithm to defeat you in the game? In this article, we will learn about the Knight's Tour Problem, t ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Vertex Cover Problem (with C++ & Python code)

Suppose there is a museum with many hallways and turns. It displays very valuable collectibles and you want to keep them safe. The plan is to install surveillance cameras ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Merge Sort in C++: Algorithm & Example (with code)

Sorting is one of the most basic concepts programmers need to learn and Merge Sort is a must to crack the technical interviews. In this article, we will discuss Merge Sor ...

Vedanti Kshirsagar
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Reference vs Pointer in C++: 6 Key Differences to Know

In a computer system, memory is the most essential computer resource but it is also limited. That's where Pointers and References come in. Even though they may appear to ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Longest Palindromic Substring (with Optimized Apporach)

The Longest Palindromic Substring is a classic problem of dynamic programming with strings. This question is of a certain type and if you understand it, you can solve man ...

Harshita Rajput
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Travelling Salesman Problem using Dynamic Programming

Imagine you have to go to a party in another city and return back home as soon as possible. Which algorithm will you apply to reach your home so that you cover the shorte ...

Harshita Rajput
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Python Docstring: How to Write Docstrings? (with Examples)

Python is called a powerful programming language known for its simplicity. While writing clean code makes good software, documenting it is equally important for maintenan ...

Kusum Jain
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Dining Philosophers Problem using Semaphores (with Solution)

Let's learn about an interesting problem of operating systems today. Dining Philosopher's Problem originated from the field of concurrent programming when multiple proces ...

Harshita Rajput
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Insertion Sort in Java: Iterative & Recursive Approach (with code)

Sorting techniques help you arrange the given objects in a specific order. Today we are going to learn one of these sorting techniques, Insertion Sort in Java. While play ...

Harshita Rajput
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Kruskal's Algorithm in Java: Find Minimum Spanning Tree

Kruskal's Algorithm is an important greedy algorithm that helps you find the shortest path between 2 cities. So, before learning what Kruskal's algorithm in Java is, let' ...

Harshita Rajput
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Merge Sort in Java: Algorithm & Implementation (with code)

Sorting Techniques help us to arrange the objects in a certain order. We can either use the in-built function to sort an array or different sorting techniques. But have y ...

Harshita Rajput
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Rock Paper Scissors Program in Java (full code)

We all played the interesting game of rock, paper, scissors in our childhood.  But have you ever thought that one day you will learn to code the same game? In this a ...

Harshita Rajput
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Bubble Sort in Java: Simple, Optimized & Recursive (with code)

While searching for a product on any e-commerce website, whenever we want the cheapest product we use the filter 'lowest to highest' resulting in products arranged in inc ...

Harshita Rajput
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Dijkstra's Algorithm in Java | Find Shortest Path (with full code)

Have you ever wondered how google maps always find out the shortest path between any two locations for us? Which algorithm does it use? Does it implement Dijkstra's Algor ...

Harshita Rajput
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N Queen Problem | Backtracking (Algorithm with code)

The N-Queens problem is a classical problem that is very important for coding interviews. It demands a deep and crystal clear understanding of the backtracking concept to ...

Harshita Rajput
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How to use timedelta in Python? (with Examples)

Python is a well-known and effective programming language that is frequently used for a wide range of tasks, including data analysis, web development, machine learning, a ...

Kusum Jain
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What is goto statement in C++? (Why to Avoid It?)

We will study today the goto statement in C++ with examples. What is it actually, how to use it, when to avoid it, and what are its better alternatives in C++? However, n ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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Default Arguments in C++: Syntax, Examples & Advantages

Can you add 2 numbers, 3 numbers, and even more numbers using the same function? Yes! In this article, we will talk about the default arguments in C++ in function declara ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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What are Pure Virtual Functions in C++? (with Example)

Let's break our main topic into bits.  Look at this equation: Pure Virtual Functions = Pure + Virtual + functions. Following from right, we know about functions, and ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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What are Virtual Destructor in C++? (How They Work?)

In this article, we are going to deep dive into the virtual destructors in C++. In the end, you will find yourself getting a vast knowledge about what they are. If you ha ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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Multi-level Inheritance in C++: Syntax & Advantages (with code)

One of the most important topics in Object-Oriented Programming is Inheritance, which is frequently asked in coding interviews. In this article, we will cover in detail m ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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Convert string to int in C++: 3 Useful Methods (with code)

Converting integers to strings always seems confusing to most the programmers at beginning. In this article, we are going to learn about how to convert string to int usin ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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Dynamic Allocation of 2D Arrays in C++ (with code)

You already know that a 2D array array is an array of arrays. But it is defined at the compiled time. In this article, we learn about dynamically allocating a 2D array in ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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Understand Python Counter in Collections (with Examples)

The Counter in Python is a useful tool in scenarios where counting the frequency of elements is required. In this article, we will learn about Python Counter and its vari ...

Kusum Jain
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Python's heapq module: Implementing heap queue algorithm

Python has many applications outside of the web and computer science. One reason for this is that its standard library contains numerous pre-built modules that simplify c ...

Kusum Jain
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C++ Friend Function: Syntax, Features & Uses (with code)

In OOPs, data hiding is an essential idea that limits outsiders to access private data and protects private data and information. There comes the concept of friend functi ...

Abrar Ahmed
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What is nullptr in C++? Advantages, Use Cases & Examples

What exactly are null pointers? C++ coders should be able to answer this question in a second. So, for those who are in a dilemma regarding this topic, do not worry, beca ...

Abrar Ahmed
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How to Check Python Version (on Windows or using code)

Finding the version of Python you are using is important to ensure that your code is secure, and is compatible with the packages. In this article, we will look at numerou ...

Komal Gupta
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Vector push_back & pop_back Functions in C++ (with Examples)

Vectors in C++ are a part of the standard template library. They are STL Containers that have the unique ability to change their sizes with requirements in order to accom ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Python next() function: Syntax, Example & Advantages

Python is comparatively an easy programming language with a large set of in-built functions to assist coders in quickly completing numerous jobs at once. One such example ...

Kusum Jain
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QuickSort in Python (Algorithm & Program)

Sorting algorithms are essential for organizing data in computer science, and QuickSort is among the most well-known and efficient of these tools. This article examines Q ...

Kusum Jain
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Bubble Sort in Python (with code)

In computer programming, there are numerous ways for "sorting", which refers to the organization of data in a particular order. Each has its own advantages and disadvanta ...

Kusum Jain
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How to Work with ZIP Files in Python? (Open, Read & Extract)

Zip is a popular archive format used to compress and package files, and Python is one of the most popular programming languages. So, you just need to know how to work wit ...

Kusum Jain
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What are Namespace in C++? Its Advantages & How to Use?

To better organize and reduce conflicts, C++ has a great feature for Programmers. In this article, we will explain everything about Namespace in C++ in complete detail. S ...

Abrar Ahmed
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What is Scope Resolution Operator in C++? (Why It is Used?)

C++ is powerful for writing complex code efficiently. One such great feature it offers is the ability to control the "scope" of the variables. It refers to a region of a ...

Abrar Ahmed
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How to Read a File line by line in Python? (with code)

Python is a robust programming language with built-in support for reading and writing files. In this article, we'll go over the various approaches to reading a text file ...

Komal Gupta
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How to Import File from Parent Directory in Python? (with code)

Importing modules and files from a parent directory in Python can often be a challenging task. Python's import system, although powerful, can sometimes make it difficult ...

Komal Gupta
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Why choose Python for Machine Learning? (8 Key Reasons)

We are all aware of how crucial it is to manage the enormous amount of data and automate decision-making in today's era of technological innovation. Because of this, ML a ...

Komal Gupta
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Python Min & Max: Find largest & smallest values (Or with loop)

In Python, there are two powerful functions that allow you to easily find the smallest and largest values in a given dataset or collection. These functions are min() and ...

Komal Gupta
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Understand Forward Declarations in C++ (with Examples)

C++ is prominent for its power, versatility, and efficiency, but can be a little complicated language to newcomers. Forward declaration is one such complex topic that can ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Python Traceback: How to Read? & Error Types? (with Example)

If the programmer is a beginner and comes across an exception in Python, the traceback output can be a bit overwhelming and a lack of understanding could easily disrupt l ...

Kusum Jain
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UUID in Python: How to Generate random IDs? (with code)

When dealing with data, we use UUID in Python for making random IDs to easily identify a field. Let's learn how to generate UUID with an example, its various functions, a ...

Kusum Jain
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Python Assert Keyword: How It Works & Uses (with Examples)

In our daily lives, we always follow certain rules to prevent unnecessary problems, like a daily reminder to drink water. We “assert” certain restrictions. Si ...

Kusum Jain
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How to Get Current Time in Python? (All Examples)

Python has grown in popularity as a programming language for a wide range of jobs, but working with time is one job in which it excels. In this article, we'll look at som ...

Komal Gupta
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OrderedDict in Python: What is Ordered Dictionary? (with code)

If you're a Python developer, you're undoubtedly working with dictionaries a lot. It enables the storage of key-value combinations. This is where you need to learn about ...

Komal Gupta
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Vector erase() and clear() functions in C++ (with code)

C++ offers a number of tools for handling data structures including vectors. One of the common tasks is taking elements out of it when working with them. In this blog art ...

Abrar Ahmed
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How to Swap in C++? (Using std::swap or without a function)

Programmers should know how to swap two variables because it allows them to work effectively with any type of data. In this article, we will learn how to do swapping in C ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Infinity in Python: How to Represent with Inf? (with Examples)

There have many predefined data kinds and methods that simplify working with data in Python, but the fact that it can handle infinite numbers is a cool trait. The unique ...

Kusum Jain
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Timeit in Python: Example, Function & Arguments (Easy Guide)

An essential part of becoming a professional coder is the ability to optimize your code. There is a module that can be used to efficiently code by reducing time complexit ...

Kusum Jain
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What is Bisect in Python? How It Works? (with Example)

One unique feature of Python is the availability of various libraries and modules, which make it easy for developers. In this article, we are going to learn about the Bis ...

Kusum Jain
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Python rstrip() method: How It Works? (with Example)

Python is known for its simplicity of use and flexibility. One such great feature is the rstrip() function, which is used to remove the trailing characters from a string. ...

Kusum Jain
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KeyError in Python & How to Fix Them (with Examples)

Python is a versatile programming language known for its simplicity and readability. However, like any programming language, it is not immune to errors. One common error ...

Kusum Jain
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Memory Leaks in C++: Causes, Tools & How to Avoid them?

Unlike any other bugs, memory leaks are subtle and hard to detect in C++. Generally, memory leaks occur if a coder allocates memory dynamically and does not use the delet ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Best IDEs for C++ (for Beginners & Competitive Programming)

C++ is a programming language that's extensively used thanks to its expansive set of libraries. It's used for a wide variety of tasks, including developing software or in ...

Abrar Ahmed
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List vs Tuple in Python: 6 Key Differences (with Examples)

We all know that Python is easy but a few of these data structures are completely different. Two of these are lists and tuples. Both are kind of similar but with certain ...

Kusum Jain
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Header Files in C++: Its Uses & Types (Quick Guide)

Whenever we write code in C++, we must include at least one header file, without it the program cannot be written. A popular and simple example is the cin function which ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Python Poetry | Python Packaging and Dependency Management

Python has become one of the most popular programming languages due to its simplicity and versatility. With its extensive library ecosystem, developers can easily build c ...

Kusum Jain
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Function Pointers in C++: Its Syntax & Advantages (with code)

One of the most fundamental components of C++ is Pointers.  We'll examine the fundamentals of function pointers in C++ in this article, with its syntax and advantage ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Python Variable Scope Guide & Its 4 Types (with LEGB rule)

Python Scoping is a key component in writing clean and maintainable code. As it controls where and how variables can be used, understanding Python variable scope is very ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Python List index() & How to Find Index of an Item in a List?

In Python, the index() method is a powerful tool that allows you to find the position or index of a specific element in a list or string. This method simplifies the proce ...

Komal Gupta
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Python Deque: Example, Implementation & Methods (with code)

With the Queue, users can create a FIFO (First In, First Out) orderly list. The LIFO (Last in, First Out) queue, which is used by Python's Deque, is the reverse of FIFO. ...

Abrar Ahmed
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What is Namedtuple in Python? with Example & Advantages

Python is a simpler programming language compared to others like Java, C#, etc. One reason is that it contains several data structures. One of these data structures and t ...

Kusum Jain
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How to Convert String to DateTime in Python? (with code)

The motivation behind developing any kind of program is to make the common man's life simpler. Therefore our codes should also be able to hand dates and times effectively ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Top 10 Python Libraries for Data Science Explained (2023)

Python is a versatile tool that is frequently employed for purposes apart from computer science and analytics. One such use case is for handling data.  Today, we wil ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Python Dictionary Comprehension: Syntax & Cases (with code)

Dictionaries are considered an integral part of python due to their efficiency in storing data. These key-value pairs allow you to retrieve data with ease. We will explor ...

Kusum Jain
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How to Find Intersection of Two Lists in Python? (with code)

A list is a robust and adaptable data structure in python that is frequently used to store and manage data collections. It offers a fantastic starting point for many prog ...

Abrar Ahmed
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FizzBuzz Problem & Solution in Python (& Flowchart)

FizzBuzz is a well-known coding problem that frequently appears in entry-level job interviews. We'll go into the specifics of the FizzBuzz problem in this article and exp ...

Komal Gupta
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Create Random String & Passwords in Python (with code)

Python is a flexible programming language that is used for many different things. One of its many built-in features includes a method that generates random strings. This ...

Komal Gupta
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Python Split Regex: How to use re.split() function?

String handling is an important component of programming since strings are used to represent a wide range of data types, including text, numbers, dates, and many others. ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Python glob module: How to use glob function? (& glob vs iglob)

The glob module is an essential component of any data science or machine learning project and is widely used in various applications such as web development, data analysi ...

Kusum Jain
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Sort a List Alphabetically in Python: 4 Easy Ways (with code)

Greetings, Python Holics! We know that alphabetizing a list is a common task that every programmer should know in python. In this article, we will learn how to sort a lis ...

Komal Gupta
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Sort Tuple in Python: Ascending & Decreasing Order (with code)

Tuples were first introduced in python, and they have since been implemented in C++, Java, and C#. They have the primary advantage of allowing developers to store multipl ...

Abrar Ahmed
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How to Run a Python File in Terminal? ( Step-by-Step )

Running Python scripts in the terminal is an essential skill for any Python developer. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, knowing how to execute Pyth ...

Kusum Jain
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Remove Punctuation from String using Python (4 Best Methods)

Since computers don't understand our language and it's likely that they pick up junk during textual analysis, computer programming is used to clean your text data. By cha ...

Komal Gupta
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Prepend a List in Python: 4 Best Methods (with code)

Every python programmer should know all the basics of lists, and one of the most important tasks to learn is to add items to them at specified positions. The order of ite ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Check if Key exists in Dictionary (or Value) with Python code

When dealing with large amounts of data using python dictionaries, it can be difficult to determine whether a specific key or value exists in it or not. We will learn in ...

Kusum Jain
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What is Pickle in Python? How to do Pickling? (with code)

As we know python is an object-oriented programming language, which allows you to write code at a high level of abstraction. An important aspect of this is pickling which ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Walrus Operator in Python: When to Use It? (with Examples)

Greetings, Pythonolic, Are you eager to discover something new about python today? We have all used mathematical operators and functions that are familiar to us all, such ...

Komal Gupta
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Convert Dictionary to Dataframe in Python (with Examples)

Python provides a variety of powerful data structures that can be used for data analysis and manipulation. While dictionaries are useful for storing key-value pairs, data ...

Komal Gupta
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Pretty Print Dictionary in Python: pprint & json (with examples)

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Python programmer, having the ability to format your data in a visually appealing manner is essential for debugging, testing, ...

Abrar Ahmed
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3 Ways to Move File in Python (Shutil, OS & Pathlib modules)

Files are the building blocks of any system. They store all the information that we require and moving files is important when you want to organize your system or create ...

Abrar Ahmed
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How to Rename File in Python? (with OS module)

Python is a powerful and dynamic language that allows us to perform a plethora of actions and operations. A much-needed set of operations in python is file handling. It i ...

Kusum Jain
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Delete a File in Python: 5 Methods to Remove Files (with code)

Deleting files is a common task in Python programming, whether you are working with large datasets or simply cleaning up your system. In this article, we will explore var ...

Komal Gupta
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4 Methods to Convert Bytes to String in Python (with code)

Converting bytes to strings in Python is a common task when working with binary data. We will learn some of the best methods to do it with examples and code. Before that, ...

Kusum Jain
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Find Average of a List in Python: 5 Simple Methods (with Codes)

In the realm of data analytics, where one needs to analyze the data through programming, Python is a versatile programming language that is simple to learn and use. Calcu ...

Kusum Jain
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Check Object's Type in Python: 4 Easy Methods (with code)

Knowing how to check an object's type in python before executing any operations on it is a fundamental task that you'll come across regularly whether you're working on a ...

Kusum Jain
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Schedule Script with Python Task Scheduler in Windows

Python is a brilliant language when it comes to automating away repetitive and boring tasks because of its simple syntax and extensive libraries that abstract complexitie ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Copy a File in Python: shutil library & os module (with code)

Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for various purposes. From Data Analytics to Web Scraping to Machine Learning, Python has libraries for any ta ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Python nonlocal Keyword (Nonlocal vs Global scope)

In Python, variables can be categorized into two types: global variables and local variables. Global variables are declared outside of a function, making them accessible ...

Komal Gupta
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Frozen Sets in Python: frozenset() function with Examples

Today we are going to understands about Frozen Sets in Python, how to create them, and how it is different from normal sets. Let's learn it with some examples and code. ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Difference between Two Lists in Python: 05 Methods (with code)

Lists are one of the most important data structures in Python programming. And one of the important operations on the list is to find the difference between two lists in ...

Komal Gupta
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Flatten List of Lists in Python: Top 5 Methods (with code)

In your quest to learn python programming, you might have come across the fact that python does not have hard-coded variables. But there are certain data structures that ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Deep Copy in Python: Syntax, Examples & Applications

To clone an object, Python offers us a special function that every programmer should learn about. So, we are diving into what is a deep copy in python? Why do we need it? ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Check if Python string contains substring: 3 Methods (with code)

Python is a vast language with hundreds of libraries and built-in functions to ease our work. With those, large codes in other programming languages can be reduced to a s ...

Komal Gupta
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Python filter() Function: 5 Best Methods to Filter a List

Python provides a powerful built-in function called filter() that allows you to filter elements from a list, tuple, or any other iterable based on specific conditions.&nb ...

Komal Gupta
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Null in Python: How to set None in Python? (with code)

Have you ever encountered or used the phrase null in any situation? I'm confident that at this point, you can recall numerous instances and circumstances where you used t ...

Komal Gupta
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Iterate through Map in C++: 6 New Methods (with Codes)

In this article, we will learn about the various methods to iterate over the map in C++. Finding the frequency of an element in an array is the most basic operation on a ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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Sort Vector in C++: Ascending & Descending Order (with code)

Sorting a vector is a common operation in C++, and there are several methods available to accomplish this task like Merge Sort, Quick Sort, and Heap Sort to manually ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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Get a List of All Files in a Directory with Python (with code)

File handling is an essential part of your coding experience. Without file handling, you will not be able to create programs that are to their full potential. The first t ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Print Boolean in C++: 03 Methods to Output true & false

In this article, we will look at three ways to print a textual representation of a boolean in C++. When we try to print Boolean values in C++, they’re either printe ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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How to Split a String in C++? 6 Easy Methods (with Codes)

Splitting a string into individual words is a common task in programming. It allows us to process and manipulate text data more efficiently. While C++ doesn't have a buil ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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C++ Sleep Function: Syntax & Examples (sleep for milliseconds)

In this article, we are going to deep dive into the sleep function in C++, its syntax, and examples with code. There are numerous operations provided by the operating sys ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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typedef in C++: Syntax, Examples and Use Cases (with code)

In this article, we will learn about what is typedef in C++, its example, and why it is used. We are going to have a lot of fun while learning about this. We will underst ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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Static Functions in C++: Variables & Class Members (with code)

Do you know we can count the number of times a function has been called by defining a variable inside the function only?  Yes! We can achieve it using the functional ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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Convert Int to String in Java using 08 Methods (with code)

There are some methods that allow you to convert values from one data type to another. So, in this article, we are going to look at those methods to convert an int to a s ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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How to Throw an Exception in Java (with Examples)

In this article, we will learn about the throw keyword in Java in detail for exception Handling with a set of examples. But first, we need to understand what are exceptio ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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04 Methods to Iterate through a Dictionary in Python (with code)

During programming, we have learned about data structures and how we can make use of them in accessing and storing data. Data structures are used over a wide range of app ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Optional Parameters in Java Explained (with code)

Whenever we design a method in a Java class, a parameter can be optional for the execution of that method. First, we specify the required parameters and then we define th ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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What is stoi function in C++? (Syntax, Example & Use Cases)

You must be curious about which real-life circumstances as a C++ programmer you need to convert strings to numeric values. So, suppose a plethora of users are providing t ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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Find Substring in C++: Syntax, Program & Applications

Consider a string s ="PROGRAMMING", then all the continuous parts of any length like "PRO", "GRAM", "RAM", and so on are called the substrings of a string s. So, to extr ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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03 Methods to Get Filename from Path in Python (with code)

There are many occasions where during coding you will have to deal with files. In many competitive coding scenarios too, you will come across input files that will be pro ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Shuffle List in Python: 03 Different Methods (with Code)

A lottery, a lucky draw, and a card game. What do all three of these games have in common? All of them require a step to be performed. What is that step? These three game ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Python List extend() Method ( with Examples and Codes )

Python provides a data structure that can store n number of elements all under the name of one variable. This data structure is called a list. In Python, the extend() met ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Lambda Expression in Java 8: Example, Advantages & Code

Lambda expressions are similar to methods and are a short block of code that takes in parameters and returns a value. They are added in Java 8. In this article, we w ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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Learn Python dataclass: Why & When to Use? (with Code)

We know that Python is an object-oriented language. Object-oriented programming basically focuses on the data and its groups rather than functions and languages. It treat ...

Abrar Ahmed
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2D Vectors in C++: Declaration, Operations & Traversal

We all are familiar with arrays in C++, but today in this article we are going to look at the array but with dynamic properties like 2D Vector. Yes! you already know what ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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Python String Interpolation: 4 Methods (with Code)

String interpolation is a powerful feature in Python that allows for the dynamic insertion of variables into strings. It enhances code readability, simplifies string form ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Dictionary in C++: Method to Create Dictionaries with Example

You must have heard about Python Dictionary, but have you ever wondered how we can create and use a Dictionary in C++. In this article, we will discuss the concept of dic ...

Manvi Saxena
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Valid Mountain Array Problem with Solution (C++, Java & Python)

The interviews and hiring challenges have started evolving recently. The companies no longer ask the same old question, but they follow certain trends in their questions ...

Manvi Saxena
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Water Jug Problem with 3 Solutions (Python, C++ & Java)

The hiring process of various companies has evolved over the years. They have extended their part to making the candidates solve tough puzzles using their code implementa ...

Manvi Saxena
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Validate Binary Search Tree: Check if BST or not? (Java & C++)

If you have studied DSA in your college, then you know what trees are, and how bad the questions related to them can be. The different types of trees in Data Structures c ...

Manvi Saxena
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KMP Algorithm for Pattern Searching (with C++ & Java code)

Imagine you have a full-fledged assignment due tomorrow and you have to write some important points about a given topic. Now, you have received an assignment from your fr ...

Manvi Saxena
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Sum in Python: How to use sum() function? with Examples

When we are coding, there are numerous occasions on which we have to find the sum of certain numbers. But it is a tedious task to define the function to calculate the sum ...

Abrar Ahmed
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XOR in Python: How to Use Bitwise XOR Operator

Operators are the building block of any expression that we see. Be it mathematical or logical, without operators it would become very difficult to explain what operations ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Degree of an Array Explained (Python & C++ code)

Probably the first data structure that you come across is arrays. We learned about arrays when we first start learning to code, and most of us have extensively used them ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Absolute Value in C++ | abs() function with code

You must have solved many problems which require you to in between determine the absolute value of a given number. In this article, we will see all the methods which can ...

Anubhav Agarwal
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Solving Trapping Rain Water Problem (with C++ & Java code)

As the number of applicants is increasing year after year, the companies don't have any other option than to increase the standards of their hiring patterns. After analyz ...

Manvi Saxena
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Minimum Coin Change Problem & 2 Solutions (Recursion & DP)

DSA is not a piece of cake! There are endless amounts of questions each getting solved with a different approach using the same Data Structure. Hence, we bring to you ano ...

Manvi Saxena
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What is a Happy Number? Example with Code (3 Methods)

Number theory is a very popular study of numbers. There are various types of special numbers that exist in today's world. One of these special numbers is the Happy number ...

Abrar Ahmed
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Subset Sum Problem Explained (Dynamic Programming)

With thousands of students preparing for jobs in the technology industry, the best way for you to stand out is to practice as many questions as you can. Sometimes even co ...

Manvi Saxena
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How to Create Multiplication Table in Python? (loop, list, lambda)

Python is an easy-to-learn language. As a beginner, you must be well-equipped with loops within Python. In this article, we will learn how to create a multiplication tabl ...

Mradula Mittal
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How to Count Vowels in a String using Python? (Loops & Lists)

Vowels are an essential part of the English language, and counting the number of vowels in a string can be a useful task in various programming applications. In this arti ...

Mradula Mittal
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Aho-Corasick Algorithm for Pattern Searching (Java & Python)

With over 44 Zettabytes of data available over the internet, the need to search for the right information becomes of utmost importance. That is the main reason pattern se ...

Manvi Saxena
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House Robber Problem Algorithm & Solution (C++ & Java)

In today's scenario with thousands of students preparing for interviews for MAANG and other remote jobs, acing at DSA and working hard on platforms like LeetCode and Code ...

Manvi Saxena
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Convert String to Double in Python (3 Easy Methods)

Python is a dynamically typed language. Here, the interpreter predicts the data type of the Python variable based on the type of value assigned to that variable. When yo ...

Mradula Mittal
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How to Repeat N times in Python? (& how to Iterate?)

We know that Python is an object-oriented programming language. It supports programming capabilities such as inheritance and polymorphism. "Code-reusability" is a key fea ...

Mradula Mittal
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Boyer Moore Algorithm for Pattern Searching (C++, java, python)

Every year thousands of students are graduating but the placement strategies of recruiters have varied completely. This makes the students work harder to get jobs in tech ...

Manvi Saxena
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How to Overwrite a File in Python? (5 Best Methods with Code)

File Handling is an essential component of programming. Files are used to store data permanently. Python provides a method for storing program data and performing op ...

Mradula Mittal
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Radix Sort Algorithm & Working Explained (C++ & Java Code)

In this vast technology-driven world, with information and data being the fuel, arranging the information into meaningful groups with certain purposes to fulfill is the u ...

Manvi Saxena
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How to Print Object Attributes in Python? (with Code)

Python is an object-oriented programming language. In fact, everything in Python is an object (even a class)! Every object has some attributes associated with them. Now, ...

Mradula Mittal
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How to Convert Dictionary to String in Python? (3 Best Methods)

Python offers a variety of data types for storing values in various formats, including strings, dictionaries, lists, and more. While programming, you will come across the ...

Mradula Mittal
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5 Ways to Replace Multiple Characters in String in Python

Do you know that Strings are immutable objects in Python? Their values, once declared, cannot be changed. Hence came the need to use different functions to be able to ope ...

Mradula Mittal
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Fibonacci Heap: How it Works & Operations (C++, Java, Python)

To become a successful software developer, the most important thing one should know is undoubtedly Data Structures & Algorithms. As you dive deeper into the topic, yo ...

Manvi Saxena
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How to Check if the String is Integer in Python

The digital world of today is shifting toward data science and machine learning. "DATA" is the key point and the centroid for the upcoming technology. This data can take ...

Mradula Mittal
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tostring() in Python| Equivalent Methods for Converting to String

Python, like many other programming languages, supports 'typecasting,' or the conversion of an object from one data type to another. Now, this conversion can be Implicit ...

Mradula Mittal
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Rabin-Karp Algorithm for Pattern Search (C++ & Java Code)

If you are from a computer science background, you must know the importance of strings and patterns in the Data Structures & Algorithms world. Even though we have loa ...

Manvi Saxena
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3 Ways to Delete a Variable in Python (& Why?)

Python is an object-oriented programming language where we don't have to worry about managing memory space in Python. It has a "Python memory manager", which is responsib ...

Mradula Mittal
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Ukkonen's Suffix Tree Algorithm (Python, C++ & Java code)

Data Structures and Algorithms are an integral part of today's software and programming world. Every student wants to excel in this field to get a good placement in big c ...

Manvi Saxena
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5 Methods to Reverse Array in Python (reverse, recursion etc)

If you are familiar with other programming languages like C, C++, and Java, you must be aware of the in-built Array data structure. These languages provide the facility t ...

Mradula Mittal
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Backtracking Algorithm & 10 Popular Problems in C++

If you are a computer science student or even related to this field, you must have heard of backtracking and its significance. In most technical interviews, recruiters te ...

Manvi Saxena
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How to Find Length of an Array in Python? (5 Best Methods)

When working with data, it is inevitable to struggle in data organization. As a result, data structures come into play. They make it easier to organize, store and perform ...

Mradula Mittal
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Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm Explained (in Java & C++)

With a huge number of people working towards technological development, complex problems are bound to come up. Thus, experts all over the world are continuously devising ...

Manvi Saxena
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Static Variable in Python (How to Create and Access it?)

Python supports the concept of Object-Oriented Programming. When we want to leave something as a constant, we use the term "static." In Python, 'static' is needed when we ...

Mradula Mittal
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Greedy Algorithms in C++ (10 Popular Problems with Solutions)

  With each passing day, programmers are trying to devise solutions to tackle complex problems by including daily life instances. Even in interviews, major coding q ...

Manvi Saxena
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Round Down Numbers in Python (With Examples and Code)

Do you know it is easier to remember 10 than 9.8 or 10.2? Why? Because whole numbers are easier to work with than decimals. Rounding off is the most basic yet essential ...

Mradula Mittal
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Container With Most Water (With C++, Java and Python Code)

  Product-based companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft have started hiring students for their problem-solving abilities rather than just programming skills. B ...

Manvi Saxena
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Decision Tree vs Random Forest (10 Differences)

  As digital data is exponentially increasing day by day, several algorithms came to deal with that data. Choosing the right machine learning algorithm for a partic ...

Keerthana Buvaneshwaran
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Get the Current Year in Python (With Examples)

We all regularly observe the date and time, which are crucial measurements. As programmers, we frequently need to fiddle with dates and times for various tasks like recor ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Climbing Stairs Problem (with C++, Java & Python code)

In interviews and coding contests, indirect questions will be asked about the known concepts. In this article, we are going to discuss the Climbing Stairs Problem. The pr ...

Keerthana Buvaneshwaran
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Python Import Class from Another File

A time may come in your coding journey when you will be writing a very complex code and things will stop making sense. Your program will be tangled in such a complicated ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Largest Rectangle in Histogram

It is widely agreed that technical interviews for product-based companies, such as Microsoft and Amazon, can be difficult to pass. You require lots of practice with compe ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Find Peak Element in an Array (C++, Java & Python)

We are back with yet another competitive coding problem. Till now you must be aware of how important these problems are to get your dream job, as most companies like to a ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Longest Consecutive Sequence (with C++, Java & Python code)

There are several complex programming problems that have very interesting solutions. One such problem is the Longest Consecutive Sequence, which we will learn about in th ...

Keerthana Buvaneshwaran
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Merge K Sorted Linked Lists (in C++, Java & Python)

Tech Companies like to hire candidates with good problem-solving capabilities. So, they come up with a variety of problems to assess their skills. One such problem is the ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Sliding Window Algorithm (with Java, C++ and Python code)

If you study Computer Science, you are bound to come across various algorithms. The Sliding Window Algorithm is one such popular algo, which has its use in cases across f ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Initialize a Vector in C++ (8 Easy Methods)

Are you looking to understand the vector concept but finding it difficult to understand. Don't worry we will get you covered with the vector initializing concept. Let us ...

Keerthana Buvaneshwaran
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Pascal's Triangle in C++ (With Formula, Code and Example)

Even if you are just a beginner at coding, then also, you must have come across problems like printing triangles like a half pyramid, inverted half pyramid, and full pyra ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent (C++, Python & Java)

As string data structure supports various kinds of in-build methods which can enable you with an efficient string manipulation process, it is most likely to be asked duri ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Combination Sum using Backtracking (C++, Java & Python)

Getting started with competitive programming might seem difficult but once you start solving problems consistently it will help you to crack top companies interviews. One ...

Keerthana Buvaneshwaran
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Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array (With Solutions)

  In order to succeed in the interview process for a product-based company such as Google, Amazon, or Microsoft, you must be familiar with the types of questions th ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Calculate Absolute Value in Python Using abs() Function

Python, an interpreted language, is one of the most accessible programming languages because it has simplistic syntax and not complicated code. Due to its ease of usage a ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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How to Get File Size in Python? 4 Methods (with code)

Learning Python can be complicated and difficult, but it is also one of the most valuable programming languages to learn. However, working with Python comes with working ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Trim a Binary Search Tree ( With C++ and Java Code)

Binary trees are one of the most famous data structures in computer science. In binary trees, each node can have at most two children. In computing, binary trees are main ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Calculate Square Root in R With Code and Examples

R is an open-source programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miner ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Create Empty Dictionary in Python (5 Easy Ways)

Dealing with data structure is the most fundamental thing while working with any programming language. Dictionary is one such primary data structure frequently used by ev ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Reverse Python List (9 Easy Ways)

  In recent times, Python is more widely used by many developers around the world, due to the availability of lots of libraries and flexible options available in py ...

Keerthana Buvaneshwaran
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Palindrome Pairs (With C++, Java and Python Code)

A palindrome is a word, phrase, or number which reads the same as backward as forward. For example, "noon" or "madam", etc. Finding such palindromic pairs from the given ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Bucket Sort in C++ (Code with Example)

  Sorting is a very important part of problem-solving as well as many real-world applications. There are a bunch of different sorting algorithms available with each ...

Keerthana Buvaneshwaran
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Python Set Union() Method and Operator [with code]

A major topic of mathematics is set theory, which entails storing a group or collection of linked components. Python chose to make the implementation of mathematical sets ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Recursion Vs Iteration |10 Differences (& When to use?)

  Whenever we try to code two terms, namely iteration and recursion, often pop up. And for a newcomer, these two can be a little confusing. If this is the case for ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Group Anagrams Problem (with Solution in Java, C++ & Python)

Group anagrams are one of the commonly asked interview questions to test your knowledge about data structure and problem-solving ability. Even though the problem's soluti ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Expression Tree in C++ (Construction with Example)

A binary tree is a non-sequential data structure that stores huge data in a hierarchical manner and allows programmers to access it easily. Moreover, a binary tree is fur ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Detect Cycle in an Undirected Graph using DFS (with code)

Learning to solve competitive questions is the first step to preparing for any technical interview. In this article, we will learn how to check if an undirected graph con ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Convert Pandas Series to Dict in Python (with code)

Python contains a large of number libraries, that make highly complicated tasks very easy to achieve. Pandas is one such library and is used for data manipulation and ana ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Python Set Difference with Examples and Code

  Set theory, a major domain in Mathematics, involves housing a group or collection of related elements. Seeing the importance of mathematical sets, Python decided ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Python Program to Convert Float to Int

Irrespective of what language you are programming in, data types play a major part in your program. There are various types of programming language to deal with and hence ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Longest Common Prefix ( With C++, Java and Python Code)

Companies like Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft frequently use the competitive question as part of the technical interview to assess candidates' conceptual expertise. The ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Remove Last Element from List in Python

Insertion and Deletion are some of the most important operations in any Data Structure. In this article, we are going to focus on the deletion operation of a list. To be ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Pandas Groupby Count Using Size() and Count() Method

Pandas is one of the most popular libraries in Python. Pandas provide data structures, a large collection of inbuilt methods, and operations for data analysis. It’s ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Get Unique values in Pandas DataFrame Column

  Pandas is the most widely used Python library for data science. It provides high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python p ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Convert Binary String to Int in Python (with code)

Computers have a different language and they cannot understand words and sentiments as we all do. The only thing a machine or a computer can understand is two signals: 0 ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Convert Infix to Postfix Notation (C++, Java & Python Code)

In computers, parentheses in an expression can increase the time needed to solve for a solution. To minimize computational complexity, various notations have been devised ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Quick Sort in C++ ( Code with Example)

  Sorting refers to the process of rearranging elements present in a data structure in ascending or descending order and the algorithms which achieve this task are ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Partition a List in Python | Split Python List

Python is famous for its English-like commands, code readability, and its simple programming syntax. It also provides its users with a wide array of data structures and l ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Sort a List of Objects in Python

There seems to be a constant requirement to sort and manipulate custom objects by some property, which is why we've written this article. To show how to sort an object li ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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8 Ways to Reverse a List in Java

  In this tutorial, we will learn how we can reverse a list in Java. Reversing a list means putting the first element of the list at the last position, the second e ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Huffman Coding with Python Implementation (full code)

Huffman coding is a type of greedy algorithm developed by David A. Huffman during the late 19th century. It is one of the most used algorithms for various purposes all ov ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Valid Palindrome Problem with Python Solution

A palindrome is a number, word, or sentence that reads the same backward as forward, for instance, “Mom”. In the computer science domain, palindrome plays an ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Convert Char to String in C++ (with code)

Data structure plays a vital role while programming your code irrespective of any language you choose to work with. There are some instances where you wish to convert cha ...

Riddhima Agarwal
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Selection Sort in C++: Example & Advantages (with code)

Sorting algorithms take input data in the form of lists of items, and produce an ordered list. One of the simplest ones is Selection Sort in C++, which we will study in t ...

Adrita Das
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Python ord() Function with Examples and Code

  Python is the easiest and most preferred programming language by any beginner stepping into the coding world. It is because python offers easy syntax and a huge r ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Check for Valid Balanced Parentheses in Python (with code)

Valid Parentheses (or Balanced Parentheses) play a crucial role while dealing with any programming language and hence, a programmer must understand it completely. Checkin ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Remove Spaces from String in Python

  We can't change the value of a Python String because it's immutable. Any function that manipulates string values returns a new string, which must be explicitly as ...

Adrita Das
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Zip Two Lists in Python Using 3 Methods

  There are numerous occasions in Python where a link between two or more iterators is required, such as tuples, dictionaries, lists, and sets. Zipping is the pytho ...

Adrita Das
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How to Get Class Name in Python?

  Python is well famous to support object-oriented programming including the concepts of classes and objects. It provides a clear program structure and easy modific ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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How to Reverse a Dictionary in Python?

  Python is a useful programming language for scripting, data science, and web development. In Python, a dictionary is an unordered collection of data values, ...

Adrita Das
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Python Set Intersection with Examples and Codes

Like mathematics, we can also find the intersections of the set in Python. It provides tools to the perform set intersection and generates a completely new set as the out ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Count Occurrences of Element in Python List

Python is well known for its easy syntax, fast implementation, and, most importantly, large support of multiple data structures. Lists are one of those data structures in ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Priority Queue - Insertion, Deletion and Implementation in C++

  Programming is not all about writing code following any specific set of rules defined as a programming language. Programming is also used to store a large amount ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Bubble Sort in C++| Algorithm & Example (with code)

When a large amount of data is to be dealt with, the most efficient way is to store it in an optimized manner, where it is arranged in either ascending or descending form ...

Adrita Das
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Reverse a String in Java with Example

Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language. It is one of the most versatile programming languages with advantages in almost every field such as systems, ...

Anisha Dhameja
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Create Empty Dataframe in Pandas

  DataFrame is a container class that stores and manipulates two-dimensional data organized in tabular format within the python data analysis library 'Pandas'. The ...

Adrita Das
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Concatenate List in Python (6 Methods with Example)

Python possesses a wide range of in-built data structures, which helps programmers to code effectively and quickly. Lists is one such data structure highly used compared ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Diameter of Binary Tree (with Python Program)

When you are working on a large amount of data, every data element is attached to other data elements. That’s where the non-sequential data structure such as trees, ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Add Column to DataFrame Pandas (with Examples)

  There are many things we can do with the DataFrame we have built or imported in Pandas. It is possible to manipulate data in various ways, such as changing the da ...

Adrita Das
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Invert a Binary Tree (Python Code with example)

  If you are looking to be part of your dream company, understanding the concepts of graphs and tree data structure should be your priority. Often, the technical in ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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How to Print a List in Python: 5 Different Ways (with code)

Python programming possesses various in-built data structures to make the programming faster and more efficient. The list is one of those data structures that is simple a ...

Anisha Dhameja
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How to Square a Number in Python? 6 Ways (with Codes)

When working with Python, there are often scenarios where we need to square numbers. Whether it's for data analysis, financial calculations, or other computations, know ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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3 Ways to Find Python List Size

  Python is one of the fundamental programming languages widely used in the machine learning and artificial intelligence domain. Python possesses various data struc ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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NumPy vs Pandas: 15 Main Differences to Know (2023)

Python is indeed the best programming language when it comes to data science and software development. One big advantage is that it consists of a huge collection of in-bu ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Python Merge Dictionaries (8 Ways to Merge Two Dicts)

Python dictionaries are a powerful data structure that allows you to store data in key-value pairs. Merging two dictionaries is a common operation in Python, and there ar ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Python Ternary Operator With Examples

  Writing clean, short, readable, and efficient code should always be the priority of any developer. Just for this reason, Python makes use of conditional statement ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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List vs Dictionary | 10 Difference Between List and Dictionary

  Python supports various in-built data structures to make the programming easy and efficient like any other programming language. All these python data structures ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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8 Ways to Capitalize First Letter in Python

  Strings are one of the most used python data structures. While programming in python, some strings are used in uppercase while some are in lowercase and some in c ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Remove First Element from List in Python (with code)

Python lists are one of the most used sequential data structures when it comes to storing and manipulating data. It simplifies the life of programmers to a great extent. ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Red-Black Tree (Python Code with Examples)

  In this article, we will study what is a red-black tree is and why it is useful. We will understand various operations of the red-black tree along with their algo ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Private Methods in Python

  Encapsulation is one of the important concepts in object-oriented programming. It refers to the idea of wrapping the data and the methods that work within one uni ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Convert String to Dictionary in Python | 4 Methods

Converting one data type into another is a frequent problem in python programming and it is essential to deal with it properly. Dictionary is one of the data types in pyt ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Python Replace Character in String

  When it comes to data cleaning and text processing, replacing the string characters in python is a critical task. There might be some spelling issues, formatting ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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5 Ways to Convert Dictionary to JSON in Python

  Most of the programs need data to work. This data is provided to the program while running or built into the program since the beginning. JSON is one of the ways ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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7 Most Popular Programming Languages [2024 Updated]

Computers are wondrous machines that can perform a wide range of mathematical operations with accuracy. Ever since then, research has gone into improving the bridge of co ...

Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
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5 Ways to Convert Set to List in Python

Type conversion is one of the most important concepts to understand while programming. Every data structure in python has its nature of storing data and allows you to per ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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3 Ways to Convert List to Tuple in Python

  There may be times when you wish to have a specific type of a variable during programming. Typecasting is a process used to change the variables declared in ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Dynamic Programming in Python: Top 10 Problems (with code)

In this article, you will learn what Dynamic Programming is, the approach to solving problems using it, the principle of optimality, and how you can solve dynamic program ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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4 Ways to Convert Int to String in Python

While programming in python, many operations require typecasting of data and variables from one data type to another. These conversions are sometimes made by interpreters ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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6 Ways to Convert String to Float in Python

When you take a user input in python programming while working with terminal or file operations like reading or writing a file, the input is a string object. Even th ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Binary Search Tree (BST) with Java Code and Examples

Trees might just be one of the most important topics that are asked during technical interviews. In fact, trees have some of the best applications amongst all of the data ...

Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
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AVL Tree in Python: Insertion, Deletion & Rotation (with code)

Used in database systems, AVL Trees are very important to learn for a Python programmer. In this article, we will study all about AVL Tree in Python and why we should use ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Divide and Conquer Algorithm (With Examples in Python)

In this article, we will study what is a divide and conquer algorithm and will also go through the examples and their python code with output. And lastly, we will learn t ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Merge Sort in Python (with code)

Sorting is a technique to rearrange the collection of data into a specific order.. In this article, we will how the Merge Sort algorithm works using an example along with ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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How to Become a Java Developer? (7 Weeks Roadmap)

  As java is one of the best languages to learn while stepping into the world of programming, it is always difficult to find the answer to the question that how to ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Topological Sort in Python for Directed Acyclic Graph (with code)

In this article, we will study what is topological sort and an example explaining how it works. We will also learn the implementation of topological sorting with Python p ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Recursion in C++: Types, Examples & Advantages

Recursion is one of the most important concepts that each programmer should learn thoroughly. In this article, we will study What is Recursion in C++ and how it actually ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Searching Algorithms - Linear and Binary Search (Python)

  In this article, we will study what searching algorithms are and the types of searching algorithms i.e linear search and binary search in detail. We will learn th ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Prim's Algorithm | Minimum Spanning Tree (Python Code)

In this article, we will study what is the minimum spanning tree and how to convert a graph into a minimum spanning tree using Prim’s Algorithm. We will learn ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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C++ Program to Check if a Linked List is Palindrome or Not

Every engineering student aspires to get a decent placement, but the journey to that goal isn’t very easy for most of us. There are so many technical interview ques ...

Apurva Sharma
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Counting Sort in Python (with Algorithm & Program)

Sorting is one of the most basic things that every programmer must learn and understand to get a job. In this article, we will study the Counting Sort, its Algorithm, and ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Heap in Python: Min & Max Heap Implementation (with code)

Python is versatile with a wide range of data structures. One such is the heap. While they are not as commonly used, they can be incredibly useful in certain scenarios. I ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Top 13 Deep Learning Projects for Beginners & Students [2023]

Are you ready for your final-year project submission? Then there are some fresh Deep Learning projects for students. A more practical approach like building projects is a ...

Apurva Sharma
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Stack vs Queue | What's the Difference? (& Applications)

Stack & Queue are two very important data structures in the programming world. In this article, we will study all the main differences between Stack and Queue. Then, ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Kadane's Algorithm | Maximum Subarray Sum (Python)

  In this article, we will study what is kadane’s algorithm and its problem-solving property to solve the “Maximum Subarray Sum” problem. We will ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Data Science Syllabus for Beginners in 2021

  With the emerging technological world, data science has been the best technology to pursue for every student and professional. But while beginning to work with da ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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25 Amazing R Projects for Beginners to Practice [2024]

In today's time, many massive firms use R programming language, including Uber, Google, Airbnb, Facebook, etc for Data analysis. In this article, We have listed some amaz ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Bellman Ford Algorithm in Python (Example with Code)

Bellman-Ford algorithm stands as a fundamental tool for finding the shortest paths between nodes. Richard Bellman and Lester Ford Jr. founded this algorithm has found app ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Gini Impurity A-Z (Decision Tree)

  In Tree-based models, there is a criterion for selecting the best split-feature based on which the root of say, a Decision Tree gets split into child nodes ( ...

Navoneel Chakrabarty
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Reverse a Linked List in C++: Iterative & Recursive (with code)

Many of you must be familiar with the application of a linked list in the real world and its importance. We use linked lists to maintain a directory of names, dynamic all ...

Apurva Sharma
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Floyd Warshall Algorithm (Python) | Dynamic Programming

In this article, we will study what is Floyd Warshall Algorithm in the field of Dynamic Programming. We will also study the example and the python code with its correspon ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Build K means clustering in Python (10 Easy Steps)

  Broadly, there are 3 paradigms of Machine Learning: Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, and Reinforcement Learning. In Supervised Learning, a Machine Lear ...

Navoneel Chakrabarty
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Doubly Linked List (Python Code with Example)

Ctrl+Z, can you even survive a day without these keys? Well, Apparently not, undo and redo features are one of the used functionalities in computer engineering. But have ...

Apurva Sharma
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Dijkstra's Algorithm in C++ | Shortest Path Algorithm

In this article, we will study what is the graph and what is Dijkstra's algorithm. Further, we will study the example of Dijkstra's algorithm and its c++ code along with ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Decision Boundary Visualization of a Trained Logistic Regression Model

  Logistic Regression is a classifier that belongs to the class of linear models. Mathematically, it is a sigmoid transformation of the fitted equation of ...

Navoneel Chakrabarty
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20 Pandas Exercises for Beginners (Python Solutions)

  Pandas is a Python Data Analysis Lirbary, dealing primarily with tabular data. It's forms a major Data Analysis Toolbox which is widely used in the domains like D ...

Navoneel Chakrabarty
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20 NumPy Exercises for Beginners (Python Solutions)

NumPy is a computational library that helps in speeding up Vector Algebra operations that involve Vectors (Distance between points, Cosine Similarity) and Matrices. Speci ...

Navoneel Chakrabarty
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Height of a Binary Tree in Python (with or without Recursion)

A binary tree is a unique data structure adopted for data storage schemes in the field of computer science. It has the benefits of both an ordered array and a linked list ...

Apurva Sharma
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Tree Traversal in Python (Inorder, Preorder & Postorder)

Trees are a complex topic for any programming beginner. In this article, we will study Tree Traversal in Python and the implementation of Inorder, Preorder, and Postorder ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Ridge and Lasso Regression - Comparative Study

  The initial phases of each established business and startups are dependant on the data of several years. By analyzing the expenses and profit of an organization, ...

Apurva Sharma
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Hashing in data structure (Complete Guide with Examples)

In this article, we will study what is hashing and why working with hashing data structure is easy compared to other data structures. We will start with what is a hash fu ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Level order traversal of binary tree (Python Code)

Acing the placement season is something that each engineering student aspires for, and the best way to do that is to master Data structures and Algorithms and the core su ...

Apurva Sharma
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[Guide] Data Structure and Algorithms in 2021 (for Beginners)

In this article we studied, we will study the data structure and algorithm (DSA) concepts along with an introduction to them. We will go through every classification of d ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Cluster Analysis in R (K-Means & Hierarchical Clustering)

In this article, we will learn the fundamental cluster analysis in the R language. We will understand different methodologies like K-Means and Hierarchical Clustering. Al ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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CODE: Extract Year from Date in R (with Example)

In this article, we will study what R language and uses of R language. Further, we will move to learn that how we can extract the year from the date in the R programming ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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How to Remove Duplicates from List in Python? (with code)

In Python, a list is a versatile collection of objects that allows for duplicates.  But sometimes it is necessary to make the list unique to streamline our data or ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Convert List to String in Python: 7 Best Methods (with code)

While working with Python data types, there are situations when you want to convert the data collected from one type to another. There are various methods by which we can ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Matrix in R | How to Create, Access & Modify R Vectors

In this article, we will study what is a matrix in R, how to create a matrix in R, and access the elements in it. Also, we will study how to modify the matrix and create ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Intersection of Two Arrays using HashMap

In this article, we will study what is hashmap and how we can solve the problem of the intersection of two arrays using a hashmap. Also, we will go through the examples e ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Vectors in R | How to Create, Combine & Modify R Vectors

In this article, we will learn what is a vector in R programming? how to create a vector in R? and how to access it? Also, we will learn the modification of the vector, a ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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How to Compare String in Python? (String Comparison 101)

String comparison is a fundamental operation in Python programming. It allows us to compare two strings and determine their relative order, equality, and other characteri ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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6 Ways to Iterate through a List in Python (with Code)

In this article, we will study what is a list in python language and different ways to iterate through a list in python programming along with the python code for the sam ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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How to become a Python Developer? (6 Weeks Roadmap)

As Python is the emerging programming language in today's technological world, it is always a question for a beginner how to become a Python developer. That too in 2023. ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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8 Ways to Convert List to Dataframe in Python (with code)

Converting a list to a DataFrame can be very useful for a number of scenarios. In this article, we will study different ways to convert the list to the data frame in Pyth ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Lexical Analyzer in C++ (Program for Lexical Analysis)

  Being a programmer requires all-around knowledge of a lot of subjects. One of the most underrated among these would definitely be compiler design. Knowing what go ...

Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
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Kruskal's Algorithm to Find MST of Graph (with C++ Program)

Graphs might just be one of the most difficult areas of programming to approach as a beginner. One of the most popular algorithms used with graphs is the one for traversi ...

Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
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Java: Float vs Double | 4 Main Differences (& when to use?)

Every programming language deals with a wide range of data types. In Java, floating-point numbers are represented with the help of two data types: float and double. If yo ...

Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
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How to Return an Array in Java? (from a Method)

Often, we find the need to work with multiple instances of the same data type. Declaring several instances of the data type is not only inefficient but also very difficul ...

Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
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Sort Dictionary by Value & Key in Python

In this article, we will learn what is a dictionary and the need for sorting in the dictionary. Later, we will understand how we can sort the dictionary by value and by k ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Print a 2D Array or Matrix in Java: 4 Easy Methods (with code)

An array is one of the most useful data structures in any programming language. So, learning how to store data in an array and how to manipulate this data is a very usefu ...

Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
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Implement Switch Case in Python (match case & 3 alternatives)

Most programming languages have a switch or case statement that lets you execute different blocks of code based on a variable. But does Python has a Switch statement? Now ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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5 Most used Sorting Algorithms in Java (with Code)

While getting into the world of programming, a good many problems will include working with multiple instances of similar types of data. Generally, these data will take t ...

Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
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How to Import or Read Excel file in R? (xlsx or xls)

In this blog, we will learn how to read excel file in R programming, which works for any xlsx or xls file. Find out how to import and load excel data in R programming. Al ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Circular Linked List Implementation in C++ (with code)

Breaking into the programming world might be slightly more difficult than expected, especially when it comes to data structures and algorithms. One of the most popular da ...

Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
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How to Initialize an Array in Python? (with Code)

In this article, we will study what is an array in python programming and how to initialize an array in python? We will understand different methods to do it. Also, we wi ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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How Long does it take to Learn Python? (& Get a Job)

The answer to this question depends on your goals. Learning Python can take a lifetime, as there is always more to learn and discover about the language. But if you are a ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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20 Interesting Data Mining Projects in 2024 (for Students)

Data is the most powerful weapon in today’s world. With technological advancement in the field of data science and artificial intelligence, machines are now empower ...

Apurva Sharma
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20 Awesome C++ Projects for Beginners to Practice 2024

The best way to get started with any language is to build some C++ projects for beginners. Skimming through a book or online tutorials adds a lot of knowledge worth havin ...

Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
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What is Data Wrangling? Its Tools & 6 Steps in Wrangling

Many companies and organizations function on user data. Data is a crucial part of any business, but the data that any organization possesses is generally raw, one cannot ...

Apurva Sharma
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Implementing DFS in Java | Depth First Search Algorithm

Graph traversals are some of the more subtle topics to learn before one can take a deep dive into the more complex algorithmic problems related to graphs. In this article ...

Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
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Array vs List in Python | 6 Main Differences

Both array and the list are used to store the data as a data structure. These data structures can be used for iteration and indexing. In this article, we will be studying ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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BFS in Java: Breadth-first Search Algorithm for Graph (with code)

Graph traversal is the process of moving from the root node to all other nodes in the graph. It is done using two main algorithms: Breadth-First Search and Depth-First Se ...

Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
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9 Types of Regression Analysis (in ML & Data Science)

Once you start exploring the world of data science you realize there’s no end to possibilities and there are numerous algorithms and techniques to train a model dep ...

Apurva Sharma
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Depth First Search in Python (with Code) | DFS Algorithm

Traversal means that visiting all the nodes of a graph which can be done through Depth-first search or Breadth-first search in python. Depth-first traversal or Depth-firs ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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Top 25 Java Projects for Beginners to Practice in 2024

Java is one of the best languages one can learn when stepping into the world of programming. The main reason is that Java is an OOP (Object Oriented Programming) language ...

Arkadyuti Bandyopadhyay
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Machine Learning Algorithms for Beginners [Guide]

As a human being can recognize faces and detect images using cognitive skills, with technological advancement, it is now even possible for machines to perform activities ...

Apurva Sharma
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Breadth First Search in Python (with Code) | BFS Algorithm

Breadth-first search and Depth-first search in python are algorithms used to traverse a graph or a tree. They are two of the most important topics that any new python pro ...

Shivali Bhadaniya
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How to stay Healthy as a Programmer? 5 Easy Tips

  Long hours of sitting in front of the computer, coding all day and night, and dealing with bugs and deadlines have their own challenges. Programmers and developer ...

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Building Anagram Game using Python (with Code)

  In this post, we will be developing the first project from our list of best beginner python projects– ‘The Anagram Game’. An anagram of a word i ...

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5 Ways to Save Yourself from Programming Burnout

  To be a good programmer, you need to solve complex problems, continuously learn and adapt to new technologies, and develop yourself daily. This can be a strenuous ...

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Build Social Distancing Tool using TensorFlow Object Detection API

   At the time of writing this post in the second week of June in 2020, most countries are coming to terms with the Covid-19 pandemic. After lockdown orders in ...

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Exploratory Data Analysis on COVID-19 Worldwide Data using Python

   Infectious diseases such as H1N1, SARS, Zika, and most recently the COVID-19 virus continue to pose a global threat. Currently, the world is witnessing a coronaviru ...

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Credit Card Fraud Detection using Machine Learning

The role of credit cards as a method of transaction has gained a lot of popularity over the years as the world aims to be a cashless society. However, it is also importan ...

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Linked List Data Structure

A linked list is a data structure that implements the storage of data elements in a consecutive manner. Linked lists can be used to implement the queue data structure. Th ...

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12 Exciting Data Science Projects for Beginners in 2021

  The Economist has claimed that the world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil but DATA. The amount of data generated and collected through sources such ...

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Django vs Flask

  The Python programming language can be used in a variety of applications across various domains, including web development. Django and Flask are two very popular ...

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20 Exciting Python Projects for Beginners in 2023 (with Code)

For the last few years, Python is one of the fastest-growing and most popular programming languages among beginners. Compared to most programming languages, it has a rela ...

Siddhartha and Updated by Shivali
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How is artificial intelligence changing the world

In the past decade, artificial intelligence has transformed from a science-fiction dream to an important reality of our everyday lives. We use AI-driven systems like Siri ...

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Why data science matters and why you should learn it?

As the name suggests, data science is an amalgamation of data and science where data is the core of this form of science. Data science is a mix of several disciplines and ...

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Essential steps to make the most out of online tutoring

With the entry of electronics and technology in all aspects of our lives, it is not surprising to find their inclusion in the field of education as well. Moreover, global ...

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